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News: Rechargeable hearing aids

Rechargeable hearing aids

Rechargeable hearing aids

13/11/2017 - Hearing Aids, Technology

Stop fiddling with tiny hearing aid batteries!

Is poor dexterity, arthritis or bad eyesight causing trouble when changing hearing aid batteries?

It cannot be denied that over the last decade hearing aid technology has moved forward in leaps and bounds. The miniaturisation means what was once big, bulky, beige hearing aids are now smaller than ever and virtually invisible.

But with that miniaturisation has come the constant battle and difficulties some people face changing batteries in these smaller devices.

The recent advent of rechargeable hearing aids has been a relief to those people who struggle day to day changing batteries and a great innovation for those who just want the convenience of hearing aids that are ready to go when needed. Just place the hearing aids in their charging cradle overnight and you ready to go for 24 hours or more.

These devices come with wireless functionality so you can use them with TV streamers, microphones, remote controls and more if you wish.

Replacing batteries in hearing aids is frustrating and can be difficult for people with poor dexterity, arthritis or poor eyesight.

The Unitron™ Moxi™ Fit R fixes that.

Available from just $2,390 (1) a pair ($395 for eligible pensioners and free for eligible veterans (2)) including the charging kit, isn’t it time you left standard batteries behind?

Make an appointment to discuss your rechargeable options with the hearing experts at Clarity.

Functional Design

The Moxi Fit is a winner of an international  Red Dot award judged in part on functionality, ergonomics and durability.


Since it can use both rechargeable and normal batteries, you will never be without power if you do run out of charge.


You get more than 24 hours of use (3) on an overnight charge. A 6-7 hour charge gives you a full 24 hours charge.


One rechargeable battery lasts a whole year, replacing up to 100 traditional batteries. Plus, the battery is completely recyclable.


Call us on 1300 252 748 or click the button below to request more information or an appointment.

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What could 24 hours of charge mean?

Unitron produced this beautiful little vignette of life with 24 hours hearing… never miss a moment.



Full range of technology levels

The Moxi Fit R is available in the full range of Unitron Tempus platform technology levels:

  • Moxi Fit R Tempus 500
  • Moxi Fit R Tempus 600
  • Moxi Fit R Tempus 700
  • Moxi Fit R Tempus 800
  • Moxi Fit R Tempus Pro

Your choice of colours

Your choice of colours to match your style.

Call us on 1300 252 748 or click the button below to request more information or an appointment.

Request an appointment



(1) For the Unitron™ Moxi™ T500 Fit R. Assessment and fitting fees of $300 and optional follow-up appointment fees of $150 apply for new patients.
(2) Assessment, fitting and follow-up appointment fees are included for eligible OHSP patients and DVA card holders.
(3) With 90 minutes of wireless streaming.

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