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News: Hearing Aids

The Oticon Opn S – the latest hearing aid from Oticon

The Oticon Opn S – the latest hearing aid from Oticon


Two years ago, leading Danish hearing aid manufacturer, Oticon, launched the Oticon Opn™ device. The Oticon Opn heralded a new level of connectivity for hearing aid wearers. Oticon has now released the latest iteration of the Opn, the Oticon Opn S™. We thought we’d revisit the benefits and features this device brings to the table. We’ll also cover off on pricing and the styles...

Hearing loss – Get the right advice at the right price

Hearing loss – Get the right advice at the right price


Are you paying for services you don't need or will never use? Unbundling eliminates the necessity to "over-prescribe" hearing aids. Even patients eligible for government funding need to be wary. Audiology clinics should make costs transparent upfront. When some businesses are quoting $10,000-$12,000 or more for hearing aids, it is easy to understand why there is a perception in tha...

Livio AI: The very latest in hearing aids from Starkey

Livio AI: The very latest in hearing aids from Starkey


In May Starkey took the wraps off their vision of where hearing devices are heading next. The device was launched with a reference to Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ launch of the iPhone in 2007. The iPhone changed the landscape of the smartphone market dramatically and showed people what was possible beyond a phone just being a phone. (more…)...

Seize the Day with Oticon Siya

Seize the Day with Oticon Siya


The right hearing loss treatment, paired with the right device, can help you hear more of what makes every day special. Oticon, makers of Opn™, have introduced the feature-packed Siya. Combined with Clarity's hearing loss expertise and advice, the Siya may be the right device to help you hear more of what makes every day special. There are Siya models suitable for your loss from mild to ...

NDIS, Townsville and the Floods

NDIS, Townsville and the Floods


As we know Townsville has been flooded to a catastrophic level and it will take a long time to get things back to normal. The NDIA has now released some information for NDIS participants relating to any assistive technology affected by the flood. (more…)...

Hearing aids and wet weather

Hearing aids and wet weather


Queensland has suffered from intense rain, not just recently but historically. And while hearing aids are amazing devices, as with any electronics, they don't mix well with water. If you have a house in the tropics you know what a week of rain will do to your, your walls, your bags, your shoes.  mould starts to grow everywhere and on everything. Water resistance of hearing aids has impro...

Phonak Audéo™ Marvel – A superhero of hearing aids?

Phonak Audéo™ Marvel – A superhero of hearing aids?


The latest hearing device to land in Australia is the Phonak Audeo Marvel, which became available for pre-order this week. (more…)...

Hearing Loss – The Bachelor host shares his experience

Hearing Loss – The Bachelor host shares his experience


Osher Gunsberg is better known as the host of The Bachelor franchise in Australia. What many don't know is that Osher wears hearing aids. This shouldn't come as a surprise. One in six Australians suffer from some sort of hearing issue, and many, like Osher, take far too long addressing the issue. Osher first noticed difficulties hearing when he was 17. In his late 20s he noticed he couldn't ...

Hearing loss support for farmers in drought

Hearing loss support for farmers in drought


With nearly 60% of the state now drought declared and regions struggling after years of low or non-existent rainfall one of the first casualties is often the' individual health and well-being of our farmers. Better Hearing Australia and Clarity Hearing + Balance have announced the extension of eligibility to the BHA Hearing Access Program to Queensland farmers affected by drought and their par...

How much for hearing aids?

How much for hearing aids?


When it comes to hearing, many distraught people come to Clarity Hearing + Balance after being told they need to spend thousands upon thousands on premium hearing aids-even after subsidies for those eligible for them. The fact is researchers at Memphis University found there was no significant difference in listening effort required between basic and premium hearing aids. The only big differe...

Hearing aids and the winter cold

Hearing aids and the winter cold


While most would agree that Queensland's winter is a mild one in comparison to other locations around our country, it can still get pretty cold, wet and miserable. Some regional centres regularly drop to minimums in the single digits and even at times heads in to the negative territories. We also usually think of our winter months as dry months but, on average, we will still see rainfall on ove...

Put old hearing aids to good use

Put old hearing aids to good use


Clarity Hearing + Balance have recently partnered with Better Hearing Australia Brisbane (BHA) to develop the BHA Hearing Access Program. The BHA HAP has been developed to give those people with hearing loss that may fall through the cracks left by other programs, including the NDIS, the ability to access low cost quality hearing solutions. And this is where you can help. The program relies ...

When hearing aids are not enough!

When hearing aids are not enough!


You can treat severe to profound hearing losses successfully with hearing aids. However, there are people who have such damage to their hearing that speech nerves are unable to fire even when a hearing aid provides them with adequate amplification. And if your nerves aren't firing then you won't understand speech. Generally speaking, if you understand less than half of spoken word you listen to u...

Redefining the convenience of hearing aids

Redefining the convenience of hearing aids


"Convenient" and "hearing aids" are normally not two words you would hear together. But the new Moxi™ All from Unitron packs a lot of punch for a small RIC style hearing aid. Truly hands-free on any mobile* The Moxi All is truly hands-free when streaming phone calls from your mobile phone. In the past "hands-free" wasn't really hands-free. While sound would stream to your hearing aid from...

Keep your hearing loss discreet!

Keep your hearing loss discreet!


When people talk about hearing loss, discretion is raised by many as being very important - the ability to address hearing loss without necessarily showing it. The new Unitron™ Insera hearing aids do just that. The Invisible In Canal (IIC) style with a new improved design for reliability and longevity, keeps your hearing loss very discreet. Custom-made just for you Your Insera hear...

From the Clinic: Relief for Anu… finally

From the Clinic: Relief for Anu… finally


When you're a musician, sound is more than just a part of everyday life. When you start to lose the ability to hear clearly denial can set in.  (more…)...
